The biggest convenience with lifestyle newborn sessions is that I come to you. I will drive up to 60 miles outside of Charlottesville, Virginia for your newborn session. I will travel outside of that radius for a small travel fee. When I arrive to your home, I take a look at the lighting, help you get things set up, and bring along my newborn bag of tricks to help you have a successful newborn session. I will bring ALL the client closet dresses the mom has chosen to try and let her spend a few minutes trying on and deciding which one she feels the absolute best in. My newborn kit also includes a variety of wraps, newborn outfits, knit bloomers, swaddles, bonnets, baby girl hair tiebacks, and more to coordinate your baby with the families home and outfit selections. Since I help so much with styling and planning, all you have to do is have the rooms we choose to shoot in as ready as you can.

A mother and her newborn baby snuggle on the bed.
A mother and father stand in front of the window in their master bedroom looking down at their newborn baby girl.
A father holds his bay girl in his arms while giving her a kiss on her temple.


There is nothing like the home that you brought baby home too. It is a place with joyful memories and finds a sentimental place in our heart, even if it a home we no longer live in. Our home is where we spend the most time especially in the early days after birth. It the place where you laugh, you cry, do late night feeds, experience a diaper blow out, family snuggles, and so much more. How amazing would it be to have images of the place where you rocked your baby, the crib they slept in, and the nursery you spent time putting together for them.


Every home is unique and different. It showcases you and your style. It may even reflect the season of life you're currently in. But the best part is that your images won't look like anyone else's. They will be specific to your home and space and help you remember that special place where your family added a new sweet baby into the mix. This is also a fun perk for a photographer. I love entering a new space and seeing how I can use it creatively to not only highlight your baby and growing family, but also deliver a creative and special gallery for my clients.


I prefer using less props in my newborn sessions. I bring items for baby to wear in a session, but I also love incorporating special items you have for your baby; the little stuffies, baby blankets, the quilt their grandmother made, or other special items. I once had a client whose grandfather had passed away before her first child. She had one of his dress shirts made into a small pillow to put in the nursery. She asked if I could somehow incorporate that into the session, and that was so special. The even cooler part of that story is that I was blessed to photograph her second child and use the same pillow in her gallery as well.

When less props are involved, I am able to focus more on the real interactions, snuggles, and connection going on in front of my lens. I want your gallery to make you feel something and transport you right back to those first weeks when baby came home. When I can focus on the emotion, as a photographer, I am better able to do just that!

A white fluffy dog poses next to a newborn baby boy.
A view through a mirror of a mother rocking her newborn baby boy during newborn photos.
A mother and father lay their hands gently on their newborn boy while he sleeps in his crib.


Both of my children did not have nurseries until they were at least 5-6 months old due to our military moves. But you better believe that didn't stop me from all the planning, purchasing, and decorating that I could do ahead of time. Each time we arrived to our new home, the nursery was such a joy to put together and see come to life. I know I am not the only mama out there who enjoyed the nesting phase of pregnancy! As a photographer, I love seeing your vision come to life and how each nursery is different and beautiful. If you have a nursery for your little one, I make it a point to highlight the room as a whole as well as the little decorations and vignettes throughout the space.

A wide angle view of parents sitting in front of their daughter's crib while gazing down at her.


Picture day can always be stressful, especially if you have other little ones to get fed and ready ahead of time. Parents never want to feel rushed or stressed that morning and it never sets the stage for a happy session experience. I mean, we can be real here and say that there is always a level or stress on picture day and something will probably go wrong that morning. It wouldn't be picture day if Johnny didn't pee on the floor and then go dump a bag of flour on the kitchen floor right before your photographer arrived. Not that I am speaking from any sort of experience or anything :)

Not rushing out the door on the morning of your session lessens the chaos of your newborn session day and sets you up for a more calm environment. The session is meant to be a quiet time of snuggles and loving on your baby. I think it is safe to say parents and kiddos alike can benefit from staying at home for your sessions.

A new mother stands near a window nursing her newborn baby girl in her home a few days after birth.
A baby wearing a diaper lays on her mother's bed.
A mother sits on her bed nursing her newborn baby girl.
A mother stands by her bedroom window holding her newborn baby girl during their in home newborn photoshoot.


You know your kiddos better than anyone, but I think most kids in some way can struggle with the transition of adding a sibling into the mix. If your children are younger, they may not want to spend 2-4 hours in a studio setting waiting around and not being engaged the entire time. When you do a session at home it allows for more flexibility to go with the flow of your child. When I start a session, I always attempt family and sibling photos first while they are a little more interested and then they are free to play, snack, and do what they want while I finish the session up with mom, dad, and baby. But sometimes kids just are not interested in participating right off the bat. Being at home makes it easy for them to spend time in their space to take a break and join back in where they are warmed up and ready. I also try to engage with siblings right when I arrive to let them know they are just as important in the session and ask them to show me their space so they can feel valued and seen. This usually helps them to feel more comfortable with me and excited to show me their favorite toy or game.

A family of 5 sits on their bed snuggling their newborn baby girl.
An older brother and sister snuggle their new baby sister on the bed.
An older sister squeezes her newborn baby sister's toes during a newborn photoshoot.
An image of all three siblings feet while laying on the bed.


Everyone is different when it comes to taking your baby out in public in those first few weeks. Some babies can be at higher risk for being around others and some may not. But if that is something you are more hesitant with, newborn lifestyle sessions may be your cup of tea. I always respect entering someone else's home so safety and health precautions on my end are always a top priority.


Our pets can never be forgotten! Almost every family that has pets requests that they are included in some of the images. So never hesitate to ask if you want to include them.

When a new baby enters the world it is always a busy time with family visitors. If you have grandparents nearby or in town visiting to meet your new baby, I love when they want to hop into the photos. Those are cherished moments with our loved ones, so I always encourage them to at least take a few photos with their new grandchild.

A grandmother holds her new baby grand daughter.
Parent's hold their newborn baby boy while their dog sniffs the baby.
A mother holds her newborn baby while her older daughter dances on the bed.
A grandfather plays with his granddaughter.


Newborn sessions can generally take 2-3 hours of time since we are going with your baby's flow and taking time to stop as we need to. Your baby may need extra time to console or just may not be as happy as they usually are that day. You and your kids may get hungry or need to use the restroom. When you are in your own space, it is too easy to take a quick break before jumping back into the photos.

Not to mention all of the accidents that can potentially happen with babies. If you happen get peed on or get a little baby diaper blow out on your shirt, it makes it a breeze to quickly change without any stress.

A newborn baby boy lays swaddled and wrapped in knit blankets on his parent's bed.

If you're questioning if an in-home newborn session is right for you, I hope that these advantages help you make the right decision for your family. Be sure to choose a newborn photographer who you connect with personally and whose work you love, and I promise you will have a wonderful gallery of images that bring you right back to those early days with your baby.

Did you choose to do an in-home session vs. a studio session? What helped you make your choice?